Third Mission Trip, to Jamaica - September 2013
So, after returning from my initial mission trip to Jamaica, a gentleman from my church, and from my small group, expressed great interest in hearing about my mission trip, and he showed great interest in returning sometime, as he had been there nearly 20 years prior. I shared my experiences with him and a few others, showed them pictures, and indicated that I had no idea when/if I would return.
What I thought was a one-time mission trip, to Jamaica, in January 2013, then a "why not, let's just see what happens" trip, to Belize, in May 2013, turned into me discovering something that God was calling me to - missions! I was anxious to return to Jamaica...very anxious! I don't even remember how it all came about that planning for another trip came about, other than I think that Ms. Linda Botkin suggested that I lead a team that following Fall. I think my initial reaction was to underestimate the abilities that God had placed in me to do this very thing that He was calling me to do. I didn't "feel" capable, or prepared, or experienced enough, and I certainly did not know how I would come up with the money, or even the people to go! Luckily, I have learned, and am still learning, NOT to base decisions on "feelings!" Somehow, it just all kind of came together, and I had two others who committed to returning to Jamaica with me! Now, onto the money part, again....
Every year, me and my family would have one annual rummage sale, in the summer, at my house. That particular year, I decided to make this rummage sale a fundraiser, to fund my next mission trip! The outpouring of love and support blew my mind! People started donating items left and right, and soon I had a garage full of stuff to sale! And, as people who came to the rummage learned why I was having the rummage, many would say "keep the change for your trip." It just blew my mind, as I made somewhere around $700.00 from that rummage! I had no idea that was possible! All I had to do at that point was save up a few hundred dollars, which I was able to do!
Five of us returned to Jamaica that Fall, with plans of doing outreach at the McAlpine Basic school, and with some children from the village of Aldear, throwing a beach party for them. We were a great team that week!
We visited McAlpine, taking goodie bags we had made up for the children, as well as games, toys and school supplies we had purchased for the school. (Sidenote: HUGE thanks to friends and family who donated school supplies and other outreach supplies for us to take on this trip). We took turns reading bible stories to the children, we purchased food and prepared and served lunch to them, we play "futbol," and just had a great time loving on the children. (pic above)
Our plan was to throw a beach party for the children of Aldear. Aldear is a remote village up in the mountains, and we only had one vehicle - Ms. Linda's truck. As we were preparing to leave, it looked as if rain was rolling in...the sky was dark, and you could just feel the rain approaching. We debated on whether to proceed, or not. How could we cancel? This is something that had been announced to the children weeks earlier! We couldn't just abandon them! It's not like we could just call and say, "hey, maybe next time." We decided to proceed, despite some hesitation and even complaining from some. Four or five of us jumped into the back of the truck, with all of our supplies - beach balls, buckets, stuff for lunch. The other four or five jumped into the double cab of the truck. We headed to the beach, where Ms. Linda would have to drop all of us off so she could drive up the mountain to pick up the children, making two trips to do so! On our way to the beach, it started raining...ok, not raining, but POURING!!!!!! By the time we arrived, we were soaked and cold, but determined! We hopped out, and sat and awaited Ms. Linda's return, with the first truckload of kids (pic above). The kids had a blast that day!!!! (pics above). They were a bit unruly, not really knowing how to follow rules or directions, but they are not being raised in such a manner to know the difference. We showed them we cared, we spent time with them, we loved on them, played with them, swam with them, and fixed them lunch, and handed out goodie bags! Awesome day!
A few days later, we visited Aldear, allowing the other team members to walk through and see what life was like there. As soon as we got out of the vehicle, a lady handed me her small child (pic above), asking me if I could take him home and take care of him. I explained that I could not, but that I would spend time with him and love on him while I was there. She then asked me to be his godmother. I didn't really know what to say to that! But, I held him, snotty nose and tattered diaper and all, and just carried him around with me while we were there. Visiting this village is something that you never forget!
This trip was a very fruitful trip, in many ways, and I gained such valuable experiences from this trip! We experienced so many other things that would take several blogs to detail, but it was definitely a memorable trip!
Now, time to return to Indiana....I wept!
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